Privacy Policy

by nina


This section contains information relating to the management methods of Nina mama bear with reference to the processing of data of Nina mama bear users.
This information is also valid for the purposes of art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, Code regarding the protection of personal data, and for the purposes of article 13 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data as well as the free circulation of such data, for those who interact with Nina mama bear and can be reached at the address corresponding to the initial page:

The information is provided only for Nina mama bear and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links contained therein.
The purpose of this document is to provide information about the methods, timing and nature of the information that data controllers must provide to users when connecting to the web pages of Nina mama bear, regardless of the purpose of the connection itself, according to Italian law and European.
The information may be changed due to the introduction of new regulations in this regard, therefore the user is invited to periodically check this page.
If the user is under the age of 16, pursuant to article 8, regulation 1 of the EU regulation 2016/679, he will have to legitimize his consent through the authorization of his parents or guardian.


1 – Data Controller

The data controller is the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or other body that, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data. It also deals with security profiles.
With regards to this website, the data controller is: Nina mama bear, and for any clarification or exercise of user rights, you can contact him at the following email address:

2 – Data processing manager

The controller is the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller.
Pursuant to Article 28 of EU regulation no. 2016/679, upon appointment of the data holder, the data controller of the Nina mama bear site is: Nina mama bear

3 – Data processing location

The processing of data generated by the use of nina mama bear takes place at Rome.
In case of need, the data connected to the newsletter service may be processed by the data controller or persons appointed by it for this purpose at the relative site.


1 – Type of Cookies

The nina mama bear site uses cookies to make the browsing experience easier and more intuitive: cookies are small strings of text used to store certain information that may relate to the user, his preferences or the device for accessing Internet (computer, tablet or mobile) and are mainly used to adapt the site’s operation to the user’s expectations, offering a more personalized browsing experience and memorizing the choices made previously.
A cookie consists of a reduced set of data transferred to the user’s browser by a web server and can only be read by the transferring server. This is not executable code and does not transmit viruses.
Cookies do not record any personal information and any identifiable data will not be stored. If desired, you can prevent some or all cookies from being saved. However, in this case the use of the site and the services offered may be compromised. To proceed without changing the cookie options, simply continue browsing.

The following are the types of cookies used by the site:

2 – Technical cookies

There are numerous technologies used to store information on the user’s computer, which are then collected by the sites. Among these the most known and used is that of HTML cookies. They are used for navigation and to facilitate access and use of the site by the user. They are necessary for the transmission of communications over the electronic network or for the supplier to provide the service requested by the customer.
The settings to manage or disable cookies may vary depending on the internet browser used. However, the user can manage or request the general deactivation or cancellation of cookies by changing the settings of his or her internet browser. Such deactivation may slow down or prevent access to certain parts of the site.
The use of technical cookies allows the secure and efficient use of the site.